Your Investment Connections
Stockbrokers & Financial Advisors

Welcome to the professionals who can guide you into making either your first (stock or money market) investment or get you started again in the building of your family wealth. Recall that the focus of the Investor Education side of our site is twofold. The first is to help to educate you about investment principles and practices and to illustrate this through the investment insights of some of the world’s leading investors and investing authorities.

The second, based on your new knowledge and confidence, is to encourage you to become investors in quality Caribbean listed companies and to lend your money to what the investment trade calls ‘blue chip’ borrowers (which includes Caribbean governments.)  In respect of listed companies, there is a wealth of performance and general information on each that can be accessed very easily by going to the website of stockbrokers and other investment intermediaries. For your investing convenience, most of these companies are listed below on a country basis. This means that, if you want to invest in Barbados, go to one of those listed under Barbados. Similarly, if you want to invest on Jamaica, The Eastern Caribbean or Trinidad & Tobago, go to an intermediary in each of these countries. Once you make the initial contact, someone in these companies will respond to your inquiries and assist you in deciding on how best to make your investment. From this initial contact, you can build a long term relationship in your investment programme. The person with whom you build this relationship will become your broker and financial advisor.
The same applies to lending your money to any of the borrowers. Blue chip borrowers are companies with solid reputations of trust and integrity. This means that when they “issue a bond” i.e. ask you to lend them your money, (give them a borrows!) you can do so knowing that they have the capacity to earn profit, and the integrity to pay you back your principal plus interest at ‘pay back’ time i.e. when the bond (‘borrows’) fall due.

Who are these Investment Connections?

They are the stockbrokers and financial advisors who can guide you as you move through the stages of becoming a seasoned investor. You will recall that we do not offer specific or professional investment advice. We are strictly a ‘school without walls and without fees’. The companies and persons listed below have, however, been approved and licensed to offer that service. They are listed on a country basis and, only the known ones of Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados and the OECS are listed specifically. Click on each company site and follow the “Contact Us” or their e-mail link to get their attention and response.

.The other Investment Connections in various other countries can be found in a variety of ways, most notably, by going to a regional stock exchange and searching for links to these companies and persons. For example, if a South African in London wants to invest in a South African listed company, he/she can go to the  Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)  and find at least two links for Brokers and Financial Analysts These links can be followed to find specific persons to give professional investing advice

Stockbrokers and financial advisors in Jamaica

  1. Alliance Investment Management
  2. Barita Investments Ltd
  3. Capital & Credit Securities Ltd
  4. Guardian Asset Management Ltd
  5. Dehring Bunting & Golding
  6. FirstCaribbean Int. Securities Ltd
  7. First Global Financial Services Ltd 
  8. Ideal Portfolio services Ltd
  9. JMMB Securities Ltd
  10. JN Fund Managers Ltd
  11. Lets Investment Ltd
  12. M/VL Stockbrokers Ltd
  13. Mayberry Investments Ltd
  14. NCB Capital Markets Ltd
  15. Pan Caribbean Financial Services Ltd
  16. Paul Chen-Young & Co Ltd
  17. RBTT Securities Jamaica Ltd
  18. Scotia Jamaica Investment Mgt
  19. Sterling Asset Management Ltd
  20. UGI Finance & Investments Ltd
  21. Victoria Mutual wealth management ltd

Stockbrokers and financial advisors in Trinidad & Tobago

  1. AIC Securities Ltd
  2. Bourse Securities Ltd
  3. Caribbean Stockbrokers Ltd
  4. CMMB Securities ltd
  5. Republic Securities Ltd
  6. West Indies Stockbrokers Ltd

Stockbrokers and financial advisors in Barbados

  1. BNB Finance & Trust Corp
  2. Caribbean Financial Services Corp
  3. Caribbean Money Market Brokers (Barbados) Ltd
  4. Clico Mortgage & Finance Corp
  5. First Caribbean Int.Trust & Merchant Bank(B’dos) Ltd
  6. Royal Bank of Canada
  7. Sagicor Asset Management Inc
  8. Signia Financial Group Inc

Stockbrokers and financial advisors in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

The OECS is made up of about seven (7) of the smaller islands in the CSME. To find their stockbrokers and financial advisors, go to the site (see above) and click on Intermediaries. This link will take you to each island in the OECS currency union. Each island has one or more facilities, each with their own brokers and financial advisors. You can contact them by e-mail address given

Happy investing.

Introduction To The Equities & Money Markets
Links To Stock Exchanges

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